Alphabet Run Encryption Coderbyte Solution


Using the Java language, have the function AlphabetRunEncryption(str) read the str parameter being passed which will be an encrypted string and your program should output the original decrypted string. The encryption being used is the following: For every character i in str up to the second to the last character, take the i and i+1 characters and encode them by writing the letters of the alphabet, in order, that range in the same direction between those chosen characters. For example: if the original string were bo then it would be encoded as cdefghijklmn, but if the string were boa then bo is encoded as cdefghijklmn and oa is encoded as nmlkjihgfedcb with the final encrypted string being cdefghijklmnnmlkjihgfedcb. So str may be something like the encrypted string just written, and your program should decrypt it and output the original message. The input string will only contains lowercase characters (a...z). There are also three important rules to this encryption based on specific character sequences. 

 1) If the original string contains only one letter between two chosen characters, such as the string ac then this would be encrypted as bR with R standing for what direction in the alphabet to go in determining the original characters. The encrypted string bR represents ac but the encrypted string bL represents ca (R = right, L = left).

  2) If the original string contains zero letters between two chosen characters, such as the string ab then this would be encrypted as abS, with S representing the fact that no decryption is needed on the two letters preceding S. For example, if the original string were aba then the encryption would be abSbaS, but be careful because decrypting this you get abba, but the actual original string is aba.

  3) If the original string contains a repeat of letters, such as the string acc then this would be encrypted as bRcN, with N representing the fact that no change in characters occurred on the character preceding N. The input string will never only be composed of repeated characters.

Alphabet Run Encryption Coderbyte Solution In Java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class AlphabetRunEncryption {

static final char SINGLE_OCCURENCE_RIGHT = 'R';
static final char SINGLE_OCCURENCE_LEFT = 'L';
static final char ZERO_OCCURENCES = 'S';
static final char NO_CHANGE = 'N';
static final String SPECIALS = "RLSN";

String AlphabetRunEncryption(String str) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("");
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();

for (int i = chars.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String piece = findNextPiece(str, i);
String decryption = decrypt(piece);

if (i != chars.length - 1 && result.charAt(0) == decryption.charAt(decryption.length() - 1)) {
result = result.insert(0, decryption.substring(0, decryption.length() - 1));
} else {
result = result.insert(0, decryption);

i -= piece.length() - 1;

return result.toString();


String findNextPiece(String str, int start) {
StringBuilder piece = new StringBuilder("");

boolean ascending = str.charAt(start) < str.charAt(start - 1);
for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
if (SPECIALS.indexOf(c) != -1 && piece.length() == 0) {
return str.substring(start - 1, start + 1);
} else if (c == ZERO_OCCURENCES) {
return str.substring(start - 2, start + 1);

if (i == start) {
piece = piece.append(c);

char prevC = str.charAt(i + 1);
if (ascending && c == (char) (prevC + 1)) {
piece = piece.insert(0, c);
} else if (!ascending && c == (char) (prevC - 1)) {
piece = piece.insert(0, c);
} else {

return piece.toString();

String decrypt(String piece) {
if (piece.indexOf(SINGLE_OCCURENCE_RIGHT) != -1) {
char c = piece.charAt(0);
return String.valueOf((char) (c - 1)) + String.valueOf((char) (c + 1));
} else if (piece.indexOf(SINGLE_OCCURENCE_LEFT) != -1) {
char c = piece.charAt(0);
return String.valueOf((char) (c + 1)) + String.valueOf((char) (c - 1));
} else if (piece.indexOf(ZERO_OCCURENCES) != -1) {
return piece.substring(0, 2);
} else if (piece.indexOf(NO_CHANGE) != -1) {
char c = piece.charAt(0);
return String.valueOf(c) + String.valueOf(c);

char start = piece.charAt(0);
char end = piece.charAt(piece.length() - 1);
if (start > end) {
return String.valueOf((char) (start + 1)) + String.valueOf((char) (end - 1));
return String.valueOf((char) (start - 1)) + String.valueOf((char) (end + 1));

public static void main (String[] args) {
// keep this function call here
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
AlphabetRunEncryption c = new AlphabetRunEncryption();


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