Weighted Path Coderbyte Solution


Have the function WeightedPath(strArr) take strArr which will be an array of strings which models a non-looping weighted Graph. The structure of the array will be as follows: The first element in the array will be the number of nodes N (points) in the array as a string. The next N elements will be the nodes which can be anything (A, B, C .. Brick Street, Main Street .. etc.). Then after the Nth element, the rest of the elements in the array will be the connections between all of the nodes along with their weights (integers) separated by the pipe symbol (|). They will look like this: (A|B|3, B|C|12 .. Brick Street|Main Street|14 .. etc.). Although, there may exist no connections at all. 

An example of strArr may be:["4","A","B","C","D","A|B|1","B|D|9","B|C|3","C|D|4"]. It may help to visualize the Graph by drawing out the nodes and their connections. Your program should return the shortest path when the weights are added up from node to node from the first Node to the last Node in the array separated by dashes. So in the example above the output should be A-B-C-D. Here is another example with strArr being ["7","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","A|B|1","A|E|9","B|C|2","C|D|1","D|F|2","E|D|6","F|G|2"]. The output for this array should be A-B-C-D-F-G. There will only ever be one shortest path for the array. If no path between the first and last node exists, return -1. The array will at minimum have two nodes. Also, the connection A-B for example, means that A can get to B and B can get to A. A path may not go through any Node more than once.

Weighted Path Coderbyte Java

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class WeightedPath {
String WeightedPath(String[] strArr) {
int nrOfNodes = Integer.parseInt(strArr[0]);
String[] nodes = new String[nrOfNodes];
String[] connections = new String[strArr.length - nrOfNodes - 1];

for (int i = 1; i < strArr.length; i++) {
if (i <= nrOfNodes) {
nodes[i - 1] = strArr[i];
} else {
connections[i - nrOfNodes - 1] = strArr[i];


Field field = build(nodes, connections);
Node endNode = field.nodes.get(field.nodes.size() - 1);
return field.getShortestPath();

Field build(String[] nodes, String[] connections) {
Field field = new Field(nodes);
for (Node node : field.nodes) {
for (String connection : connections) {
if (connection.contains(node.name)) {
String[] neighbours = connection.split("[|]");
Node neighbour;
if (neighbours[0].equals(node.name)) {
neighbour = field.findNode(neighbours[1]);
} else {
neighbour = field.findNode(neighbours[0]);

node.addConnection(neighbour, Integer.parseInt(neighbours[2]));

return field;

void weigh(Node node) {
if (node.end) {
node.weight = 0;

for (Connection connection : node.connections) {
int weight = node.weight + connection.weight;
Node neigbour = connection.getOther(node);
if (neigbour.weight == 0 || weight < neigbour.weight) {
neigbour.weight = weight;

if (!neigbour.start) {


class Field {
int nrOfNodes;
List<Node> nodes;

Field(String[] nodes) {
this.nrOfNodes = nodes.length;
this.nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();

for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
this.nodes.add(new Node(nodes[i], i == 0, i == nodes.length - 1));

Node findNode(String nodeName) {
for (Node node : this.nodes) {
if (node.name.equals(nodeName)) {
return node;
return null;

String getShortestPath() {
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder("");
Node nextNode = this.nodes.get(0);

if (nextNode.weight == 0) return "-1";

while ((nextNode = nextNode.getNextNeighbour()) != null) {
if (!nextNode.end) {
return path.toString();

class Node {
String name;
boolean start;
boolean end;
int weight;
List<Connection> connections;

Node(String name, boolean start, boolean end) {
this.name = name;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.weight = 0;
this.connections = new ArrayList<Connection>();

void addConnection(Node node, int weight) {
Connection connection = new Connection(this, node, weight);

Node getNextNeighbour() {
if (end) return null;

Node lowestNeighbour = null;
for (Connection connection : this.connections) {
Node neighbour = connection.getOther(this);
if (this.start && neighbour.end && connection.weight == this.weight) {
return neighbour;

if ((!this.start || !neighbour.end) && (lowestNeighbour == null || neighbour.weight == this.weight - connection.weight)) {
lowestNeighbour = neighbour;
return lowestNeighbour;

class Connection {
Node from;
Node to;
int weight;

Connection(Node startNode, Node endNode, int weight) {
this.from = startNode;
this.to = endNode;
this.weight = weight;

Node getOther(Node node) {
if (from == node) return to;
if (to == node) return from;
return null;

public static void main (String[] args) {
// keep this function call here
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
WeightedPath c = new WeightedPath();
System.out.print(c.WeightedPath(new String[]{"7","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","A|B|1","A|E|9","B|C|2","C|D|1","D|F|2","E|D|6","F|G|2"}));


Weighted Path Coderbyte Java

function WeightedPath(strArr) {
var nodeCount = Number(strArr.splice(0, 1));
var nodes = strArr.splice(0, nodeCount);
var connections = strArr.map(function (v) { return v.split('|'); })
var startNode = nodes[0];
var endNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];

var paths = [], pathWeights = [];
findPaths([startNode], []);

function findPaths(pathSoFar, weightSoFar) {
// pathSoFar = [a, b, ... n] where a is start node and n is current node
var currentNode = pathSoFar[pathSoFar.length - 1];
if (currentNode === endNode) { // if(current == endNode), path complete

for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
var connection = connections[i];
if (currentNode === connection[0] || currentNode === connection[1]) {
var nextNode = (currentNode === connection[0]) ? connection[1] : connection[0];
if (pathSoFar.indexOf(nextNode) === -1) {
findPaths(pathSoFar.slice(), weightSoFar.slice());

if (paths.length > 0) {
pathWeights = pathWeights.map(function (element) {
return element.reduce(function (pv, v) { return pv + v; });

var minWeight = pathWeights[0]; minWeightIndex = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < pathWeights.length; i++) {
var weight = pathWeights[i];
if (weight < minWeight) {
minWeight = weight
minWeightIndex = i;
return paths[minWeightIndex].join('-');
return -1;

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