Recyclable and Low Fat Products Leetcode Sql Solution


| Column Name | Type |
| product_id | int |
| low_fats | enum |
| recyclable | enum |
product_id is the primary key for this table.
low_fats is an ENUM of type ('Y', 'N') where 'Y' means this product is low fat and 'N' means it is not.
r ecyclable is an ENUM of types ('Y', 'N') where 'Y' means this product is recyclable and 'N' means it is not.

Write an SQL query to find the ids of products that are both low fat and recyclable. Return the result table in any order.

The query result format is in the following example.

Example 1:

Products table:
| product_id | low_fats | recyclable |
| 0 | Y | N |
| 1 | Y | Y |
| 2 | N | Y |
| 3 | Y | Y |
| 4 | N | N |
| product_id |
| 1 |
| 3 |
Explanation: Only products 1 and 3 are both low fat and recyclable.

Recyclable and Low Fat Products Solution

SELECT product_id
FROM products
WHERE low_fats='Y' AND recyclable='Y'

This SQL query selects the product_id column from the products table where the low_fats column is equal to 'Y' and the recyclable column is also equal to 'Y'.It would return a list of product_ids for products that are both low in fat and recyclable.

Disclaimer: The above Problem is generated by Leetcode but the Solution is provided by ShouterFolk.

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