Java Project For Generate Bill-Java Project For Beginners


Generate Bill is a small project which you can use to learn a small billing system. In this project, we mainly use Swing and its components. Swing in Java is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit that includes the GUI components. Swing provides a rich set of widgets and packages to make sophisticated GUI components for Java applications. 


We use the following Swing component:

  • JFrame: The javax.swing.JFrame class is a type of container which inherits the java.awt.Frame class. JFrame works like the main window where components like labels, buttons, textfields are added to create a GUI.
  • JPanel: The JPanel is a simplest container class. It provides space in which an application can attach any other component. It inherits the JComponents class.
  • JTextArea : The class JTextArea is a multi-line area to display plain text.
  • JLabel: The object of JLabel class is a component for placing text in a container. It is used to display a single line of read-only text. The text can be changed by an application but a user cannot edit it directly. It inherits JComponent class.
  • JCheckBox: The class JCheckBox is an implementation of a check box - an item that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
  • JButton : JButtonis a fundamental Swing component that renders a button on-screen and responds to the user’s clicking event for performing a specific task.

About the project:

There is an order menu that will list some food items, you can select the food item as per your wish, Once you select food items check box will be marked. You can proceed with the billing by clicking on the Generate Receipt button. Once you click on the Generate Receipt button, a bill will be generated with selected food items and total bill cost.

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